Attract New Clients with
Commercial Real Estate Direct Marketing
Scroll down to see the necessary components for a successful campaign!

Commercial Real Estate Direct Marketing

Maximum Marketing AZ, Inc. has over 25 years of experience in commercial real estate marketing. Tom Montgomery, Founder & President of Maximum Marketing, was trained as a commercial real estate broker in Los Angeles and specialized in marketing. From 1995 to 2000, he ran the marketing department for the top apartment broker in Los Angeles, as well as a whole office of agents. From 2000 until today, Tom has designed, printed, and mailed thousands of marketing campaigns for commercial real estate agents across the country. His success is proven both with brand new agents and established senior agents. His specific insider knowledge will transform your marketing!
What Will Have Them Calling Your Number?
Maintaining a consistent pipeline of new listings is one of the greatest challenges for commercial real estate agents. While smaller postcards can provide an economical option, larger postcards are proven to have greater response rates. Larger postcards communicate quality when representing multi-million-dollar properties. They are also excellent for multiple property formats. Contact us for target quantities and sizes that maximize marketing space but are also cost-efficient. Your marketing should include:
High-resolution (and maybe aerial) pictures of the property
This is a relationship business; professional head-shots are a must
Clearly state your competitive advantage(s)
Property owners want to know how you are going to make them wealthy
Close with a clear offer
Contact information
The return on investment (ROI) with direct mail is incredibly high. Most agents only need ONE successful listing to pay for a robust annual marketing campaign. This campaign can generate many future listings over a year. Sometimes one is all it takes!